Ideas I can’t pursue #2

I’ve become very interested in the applications of AI that are outside of my personal goals. So, this set of ideas will be different applications of machine learning that I’ve thought about recently.

Artificial intelligence has been used in gaming to generate music based on the events occurring within the game. I’d like to see someone make this idea more accessible to the average musician. Tools which allow musicians the ability to input their music and play around with settings to get adjusted versions of their music specific to a certain mood or game event.

I’ve long thought about taking research papers and simplifying the language within them. I think AI is a good fit for this as well. Researchers tend to use more complex language in order to make their research sound more profound than it is. This doesn’t help them or society in general.

That’s all for today. There are more but I’d like to spend more time thinking about them before I publish 🙂


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